Sep 1, 2024
More Like Jesus (1 Cor. 10:23-11:1)
Becoming more like Jesus requires discernment calibrated by what brings glory to God.
  • Sep 1, 2024More Like Jesus (1 Cor. 10:23-11:1)
    Sep 1, 2024
    More Like Jesus (1 Cor. 10:23-11:1)
    Becoming more like Jesus requires discernment calibrated by what brings glory to God.
  • Aug 25, 2024The Love of Wisdom (Colossians 2:1-10)
    Aug 25, 2024
    The Love of Wisdom (Colossians 2:1-10)
    An ever-increasing love of wisdom is developed in the context of godly living.
  • Jun 9, 2024When You Come Together (1 Cor. 14:26-40)
    Jun 9, 2024
    When You Come Together (1 Cor. 14:26-40)
    Christian worship draws together the varied events and seasons of our lives, draws us together with other Christians, and with God.
  • Apr 28, 2024Propriety & Christian Worship (1 Cor. 11:2-16)
    Apr 28, 2024
    Propriety & Christian Worship (1 Cor. 11:2-16)
    In this message, we learn what it means to worship God properly - as He would have us worship Him.
  • Dec 31, 2023The View From The Ridge (Deuteronomy 34:1-12)
    Dec 31, 2023
    The View From The Ridge (Deuteronomy 34:1-12)
    Through the grace and wisdom of God, we see that endings and beginnings are often intertwined.
  • Oct 15, 2023Masterpieces in Miniature (Psalm 131)
    Oct 15, 2023
    Masterpieces in Miniature (Psalm 131)
    Series: Money Wise
    All of us can benefit from taking time out of our busy schedules to linger over the little things, and find the masterpiece God has hidden in our lives.
  • Apr 30, 2023Affections Determined By Love (1 Cor. 9:19-23)
    Apr 30, 2023
    Affections Determined By Love (1 Cor. 9:19-23)
    When we realize it's not about who I am but rather whose I am, we find our affections determined by love.
  • Apr 23, 2023Ambition Shaped By Hope (Philippians 3:2-11)
    Apr 23, 2023
    Ambition Shaped By Hope (Philippians 3:2-11)
    When we recognize that all we are is loss for the sake of knowing Christ, we are set free to have our ambition shaped by hope. **Note: the audio cuts out for the last two minutes of the sermon. We apologize for the glitch.**
  • Apr 16, 2023Identity Formed By Faith Galatians 3:26-4:7)
    Apr 16, 2023
    Identity Formed By Faith Galatians 3:26-4:7)
    When we embrace our identity given to us by faith, we are set free to be formed as heirs of God.
  • Oct 9, 2022God’s Work and Our Walk
    Oct 9, 2022
    God’s Work and Our Walk
    Series: 1 Peter
    Learning to live in the tension between God's work and our walk.