Welcome to Northminster

We are a biblically-based Presbyterian church seeking to experience and share God’s love to transform our homes, community and the world. We hope you will join us.

Join us this Sunday!

We have Sunday school for all ages at 9:30, and the worship service is at 11:00am. We look forward to seeing you! 

Upcoming Events

The Latest from our blogs…

Youth Ministry Christmas Celebration – December 10, 6:00PM

All students in 5th through 12th grade are invited to join us as we celebrate the season with crazy Christmas games, fun activities, a message reminding us of why Christmas matters, and, of course, a ‘white elephant’ gift exchange!  Each student should bring a gift (the crazier the better, but keep it under $5…and yes, the sweater grandma gave you last Christmas is perfect for a white elephant gift exchange!).  As always, we’ll wrap up by 7:30.  We’ll see you (and we hope you’ll bring a friend, too) there!


Christmas Decorating – December 2

It’s that exciting time of year when we dress up our homes for Christmas. And, we also delight in being able to dress up God’s house, too. We would love for you to join us Saturday, December 2, from 9am – noon (or whenever during that time you are available), as we put up beautiful trees, candles, wreaths, banners, and more! Morning snacks and a light lunch will hopefully make things even more enjoyable! Hope to see you there!


Pastor’s Corner – November 2017

Envisioning The Future

As we mentioned in last month’s newsletter, there will be a Leadership Retreat the weekend of November 10-12. The Session and I are really excited about this opportunity, and want to share a bit more about it with you. While Friday night is particularly for staff and elders, we are encouraging anyone who is interested to join us Saturday (8:30am-4:00pm – lunch included!) as we explore how we can more effectively and intentionally live out The Great Commission at Northminster EPC and in Madison Heights and Amherst County. Dr. Ken Priddy from the EPC’s Go Center will be joining us for this weekend. In addition to the sessions Friday night and Saturday, Dr. Priddy will also be teaching Sunday school and preaching in worship on November 12.

Should You Come?

You might be wondering if you should plan to attend on Saturday. If you are wondering how God might be planning to work in and through Northminster in the years to come, then yes, you should come. If you want to be part of how God is going to work in and through Northminster in the years to come, then yes, you should come. If you have been actively involved in Northminster in the past and have been hoping and praying for her future, yes, you should come. I firmly believe that God has some amazing things in store for this congregation in the years to come, and I think we’ll start to get a glimpse of that over this weekend.
I know lives are busy, and only getting busier this time of year, but we think this is an important opportunity and hope you’ll carve some time out for it. After all, we’re providing lunch!
If you can’t make it Saturday, be sure to be here for Sunday school and worship on Sunday morning, November 12. It’ll be a great opportunity to get a taste of what we talked about on Sunday, as well as being encouraged in knowing that God is still at work in and through us.

Thank You, Once Again

Thank you all for the wonderful service and reception celebrating my installation as your pastor. My family and I continue to be overwhelmed by the warm and loving welcome you have extended to us. Special thanks go out to Anne Wilkins and all who helped coordinate and decorate the Fellowship Hall. It was an amazing evening!
Rev. David Garrison


Halloween Trunk or Treat!

Join us on Halloween (Tuesday, October 31) from 6-8 PM for a fun, safe place to share your awesome costumes, enjoy one another’s company and (of course) receive a lot of candy! Cars will be parked in the front parking lot.
For the safety of the children, please have your car parked by 6 PM. This event is open to all folks, of any age, whether you are a member of Northminster or not. Folks from the community are more than welcome!


How to pack an OCC Shoebox!

We are excited to be helping out with Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry once again this year.  Many of you have been asking exactly what goes into and how to pack a shoebox.  Below you can find two very helpful links to get you started.

How to Pack a Shoebox for a Child in Need


What Goes in my Shoebox?

Packing a shoebox is a quick and easy way to make a huge difference in the life of a child in a part of the world that really needs it.  Thank you for joining us in this mission opportunity!  If you have any questions, contact us at the church office.