Much has been happening since I wrote last. I did not go to Gitega with a bus and pick up all of my children but we are working on some alternative solutions! I was able to meet with the Sewing Center on Wednesday and was blessed by their fellowship. They were able to update me not only on their progress with the sewing center projects but also what was happening in their personal lives. One of the women’s home was broken into in the middle of the night and anything she had was stolen including her personal sewing machine. She has 6 children and her husband has no regular job sew the income from the Sewing Center and her personal customers is how they support the family. Please pray for Consolatte. These women have become a special part of my life in Burundi. They are being creative in how to expand the sewing center business and will be working on some samples for others to see. I will keep you informed.
Oct '18

October 7 Update from Susan May and the Burundi Hope Project
Oct '18

I traveled to the Rumonge region for a Women of Hope Seminar. It is a drive down the lake road. I always enjoy going along the lake but not the bad roads. The women represented 5 churches. 3 of them are going through a healing process due to some church challenges and were encouraged by the teachings and the fellowship of believers.
Thanks for prayers!
” God is so Good!”
Susan May
Burundi, Africa
I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way” Psalm 139:14 ICB