News & Announcements

New Sunday School Opportunity – Beginning Sunday, January 27

Let me be up front: If you aren’t already attending a Sunday School class at Northminster, we’re inviting you (and your kids) to come to Sunday school.  I suppose it’s kind of obvious that a pastor would make that request, but there’s more to it than that.. Let me explain.
I think most of us would agree that our faith is important to us, but when push comes to shove, we (yep, even me) tend to let the hustle-and-bustle of life crowd out the rhythms and practices of our faith. Before we know it, while still important, our faith has been moved to the back seat.
Jesus says in John 10:10 that he came so we might “have more and better life than we’ve ever dreamed of.” Being in the back seat of our life likely isn’t what he had in mind. And I think most of us would agree that while our lives might not be terrible, they probably aren’t exactly “more and better than we’ve ever dreamed” either.
Here are some things I know, mostly from what I’ve experienced in my own life:
  • The closer I walk with Jesus, the closer I come to that “more and better life.”
  • The more time I spend in God’s Word, the more grounded I am.
  • The more I connect with other believers, the more hope I have.
I also know that, as parents, we want to pass on a faith to our children that is meaningful and valuable to them. Along those lines, I also know (again, from my own experience, but also from 20+ years of youth ministry) that there are three key components to passing the faith to our children effectively. They are:
  • Teaching the full gospel of Jesus Christ (more than just “sin management” or whatnot),
  • Parents being the primary ministers to their own children (don’t let this scare you), and
  • Building as many intergenerational connections into kids lives as possible.
All of the above is why I’m inviting you to come to Sunday school. Beginning January 6, from 9:45-10:30, I’ll be teaching a new class that will meet in the Tatman Room. But actually, I would think of this as more of a “small group” type thing than “Sunday school.” There will be more discussion than lecture, more questions than dissertation. It’s an opportunity for us to dig into God’s Word together, to understand what it meant back then so we can better understand what it means right now, and to apply it to the nitty-gritty of our lives right now. The better we know God’s Word, the more we will know and live the Gospel, the easier it’ll be to share our faith with our kids through our lives.  We’ll be starting out studying Paul’s letter to the Romans.
And that intergenerational part? Well, we happen to have a whole lot of folks in this church who would love the opportunity to love your kids in Jesus’ name. While we’re growing as disciples together, your kids will be being taught the Gospel as well and building those intergenerational relationships I mentioned a moment ago.
I know for many of you, Sunday morning is one of the few, precious opportunities you have to sleep in. I also know that getting the kids out the door to be at church by 9:45 can be a hassle. My intent is to make this class, as well as your children’s classes, worth the effort to be here.
I hope you’ll join us Sundays at 9:45 in the Tatman Room.


December Table Talk Series: Aspects of Advent

Our December Table Talk series will be “Aspects of Advent.” There is a lot of nuance and “hidden” depths to the Advent and Christmas stories that we miss because the biblical authors assumed certain cultural, historical and prophetic knowledge that has been lost in the 2,000 years since the stories were recorded. Michael Babcock and Pastor David will explore several of these different facets in an effort to enrich and deepen our understanding and celebration of the incarnation of our Savior. Upcoming topics include:
November 28: Fulfilling Prophecy – Dr. Michael Babcock
December 5: Politics of the Times – Rev. David Garrison
December 12: No Room in the Inn – Rev. David Garrison
December 19: Questioning Christmas – Dr. Michael Babcock
December 26 & January 2: No Table Talk


School Supply Collection

We’re close to two months into the school year, but there are many children that still don’t have basic and essential school supplies.  Over the next few weeks we are collecting supplies for our local elementary schools to give to their students who otherwise would go without.  Here are a few items students need daily:
  • Backpacks (currently 50% off at Target)
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Crayons
  • Paper
  • Folders
  • Markers
The next time you head to Walmart or Target, pick up some of these supplies.  You may leave your donations in the church foyer where you will see the Mission/Outreach/Evangelism display.  Thank you in advance!


Andrew Brunson Prayer Update

Andrew Brunson’s trial resumes next Friday, October 12.  In preparation for that, we have gathered the following resources for you.
The first is a blog by Rev. Bill Campbell who was in the courtroom with Andrew at his trial last July.  This provides not only first-hand insight into what it’s like in the courtroom, but also how things are for Christians throughout Turkey.
This is the first 13 days of a 31 day prayer initiative.  The second half will be published once the outcome of his trial on October 12 is made known.  These are short, daily prayers you can easily add to your daily quiet time routine or at any point throughout your day.  Paper copies were made available last Sunday and are still available to pick up at church.
In an effort to stand with and pray for the entire Brunson family, the EPC is issuing a Call to Prayer and Fasting for the week of October 8.  We will make these available as a bulletin insert on Sunday, October 7.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Andrew.  May his faithfulness in spite of the adversity he’s faced encourage you in your walk with the Lord as well!


Table Talk Resumes Wednesday, September 19

This fall, we’ll launch our Wednesday evening Table Talk by concluding our series of studies Christian Faith and Other Faiths: Understanding and Outreach. We’ll begin with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), more popularly known as the Mormons. We’ll look first at the founding and the growth of the LDS. Then, following the pattern of our previous studies, we’ll look at points of contact and points of conflict between the LDS and historic Christianity. We’ll follow a similar outline in exploring the history, theology, and practices of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
If you’ve ever wondered about either of these faiths – what they believe, why they are so persistent about coming to your door, or how to engage them in conversation – bring your questions and join us Wednesday evenings, beginning at 5:30 PM.
Click here to learn more about Table Talk.


Church Picnic – Sunday, September 23 @ 5PM

Annual Church Picnic

Sunday, Sept. 23, beginning at 5PM

We’ll eat at tables under the big tent in the backyard of the church by the shade trees. There will be games for kids of all ages, great food and live bluegrass music provided by the talented Moore family, featuring Axn Jxn! The church will provide hamburgers and hot dogs cooked on the grill, beverages, buns and condiments. All who attend are asked to bring their favorite picnic dish to share. This is a great opportunity to invite extended family, former members, or someone looking for a church family, and let them experience what a
fun group your NEPC family is! In case of inclement weather, picnic will be moved inside to the fellowship hall. Please contact the church office or see the  sign up sheet outside the sanctuary to reserve your seat(s).


Youth Group Kicks Off Sunday, September 9!

Every Sunday, beginning September 9

Youth Group returns on Sunday, September 9 at 6 PM!  We hope you’ll plan to join us each week for fun games and opportunities to understand who Jesus is and who He is inviting you to become.  All students in 6th-12th grade are welcome.
Our fall series is Inked.

Like a tattoo, our lives show we’ve been marked.

People get tattoos for a lot of different reasons, but in almost every case, it’s because they want to make a statement. To physically and permanently show others something about themselves, or what they believe, or what’s important to them. And the thing about tattoos? They’re pretty much forever. You can’t easily get rid of that statement, that mark.
The Christian life is a lot like a tattoo. When we place our trust in Christ, our lives are changed, transformed, marked. Permanently. And how we live our lives, the decisions and choices we make every day, speak as loudly as a tattoo. What does your life tell others?
Each Sunday @ Youth Group we’ll be exploring just what a life marked for Christ looks like. What are the characteristics and attributes that show a life that lives and shows “trust in Christ, expressed in love” (Gal. 5:6)? How do we live this out in our daily lives?
Join us each week as we explore those questions and more!
Want to learn more about the Youth Ministry at Northminster?  Click here!


Youth Ministry End-Of-Summer Back-To-School Cookout! Sunday, August 19

Sunday, August 19


@ The Garrisons

Students and their friends in 6th-12th Grade are invited to the Garrisons for a cookout as we celebrate the unofficial end of summer and beginning of school. We’ll grill some food, play some games, eat the food we grilled, and more! We look forward to seeing you there. See Pastor David or Karey if you have any questions.


Hymn Sing & Ice Cream Sundaes! – Wednesday, August 15, 6pm

join us for a time to sing our favorite hymns and be introduced to some new praise songs.  Afterwards, we’ll enjoy ice cream sundaes together.  Few things bring us together as well as singing praises to our God and eating ice cream!  We look forward to seeing you there.


60th Birthday Celebration!

Join us on Sunday, July 15 as we celebrate 60 years of experiencing and sharing God’s love to transform our homes, communities and world!  We’ll have a covered dish luncheon immediately following worship.  In addition to fantastic food and fellowship, we’ll take some time to look back at how God has worked in and through Northminster over the past 60 years and also look ahead to dream about how we anticipate God continuing to work in the years to come.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Pentecost Covered Dish Lunch This Sunday, May 20

Plan to join us following the worship service this Sunday for a covered dish luncheon as we celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the Church.  In addition to that, we’ll also be celebrating our confirmands, who will be joining the church that Sunday as well.  Bring your favorite covered dish to share.  We look forward to seeing you there!  Sunday school @ 9:45am, Worship @ 11 am, luncheon immediately afterward.


Pastor’s Corner – May 2018

After the Storm

Storms are used in fascinating ways in Scripture.  Take a look at Genesis 6-9 (Noah’s flood), Psalm 18, and Matthew 8:23-27 (Jesus calms the storm) for a couple of good examples.  But my favorite “storm story” is in 1 Kings 19.  Elijah has just won a powerful victory over the prophets of Ba’al, but ends up fleeing for his life as Jezebel and Ahab seek vengeance.  He hides in a cave on Mount Horeb (also known as Mount Sinai), and God tells him, Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.”  What happens next is incredible:

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. (1 Kings 19:11–13)

I think most of us would assume that God would’ve been in the storm, the earthquake or the fire.  But He wasn’t.  God was in the stillness and quiet that came after the storm.  The same is true with the story of the flood – the rainbow came after the waters receded.  And when Jesus calmed the waters?  That’s when the disciples fell down in worship.

“What are you doing here?”

That’s the question God asked Elijah in the silence after the storm.  Through your tireless acts of love and support, God’s presence after the storm has been made real.  I have been overwhelmed with the incredible response of our community in the weeks that have followed the tornado in Elon and Lynchburg.  You have answered God’s question to Elijah with your actions – by faithfully living what Paul calls us to in Galatians 5:  Serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Gal 5:13–14)  The cleanup work for those affected has just begun and will continue long after the tornado has left the news cycle.  May we continue to be God’s hands and feet as we pray without ceasing, give as we are able, and serve as the opportunity presents itself.  You can find some helpful suggestions and guides on our website at 


Rev. David Garrison