February 2025 Mills’ Musings — Happy Birthday, Nicene Creed!

If someone does make a cake for the occasion, I’d like to be there when the candles are lit. The occasion is the 1700th birthday of the Nicene Creed. While I doubt anyone will make a cake, at least not one with 1,700 candles, I believe the event is certainly worth celebrating. Here is a short look at why.

Early Creeds

Our English word “creed” comes from the Latin credo, which means, “I believe.” A creed, broadly defined, is a statement of what it is that I believe. More technically, in the Christian tradition a creed is a concise, formal, and authorized statement of essential Christian doctrine.

The earliest Christian creed was spoken by Peter and recorded in Mark 8:29. At Caesarea Philippi, in response to Jesus’ question, “But who do you say that I am,” Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, replied, “You are the Christ.” Writing to the Philippians some three decades later, Paul concluded his marvelous Hymn to Christ with what remains the foundational creed of Christianity, “Jesus Christ is Lord” (Phil. 2:11).

But after the last apostle had died, after the canon of Scripture had been closed, Christians began to sense a need for clear and succinct summaries of the basic doctrines of their faith.  So they drew on the language of Scripture to formulate brief statements of their core beliefs. The most prominent of these – the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds, are still accepted (with some variations) by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and most Protestant denominations.

Creeds Today

Today, many congregations still make use of these creeds along with their longer, younger cousins, confessions. For example, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, to which Northminster belongs, uses the Westminster Confession of Faith and its catechisms as our doctrinal standards. In Sunday morning worship, we often recite in unison sections of this Confession. Other Sundays we say the Nicene or Apostles’ Creed. These public affirmations of our faith remind us of what we believe about the nature and work of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and the Church.

Creeds also have uses outside Christian worship. In his book This You Can Believe, John Brokhoff describes three purposes these historic creeds and confessions continue to serve in the Church today.  The three purposes are: definition, defense and declaration.

Definition, The first purpose of creeds, Brokhoff writes, “is to define the Christian faith. What does a Christian believe? Are your beliefs in harmony with the Scriptures and the Church’s teachings?” Once we have learned Nicene Creed, we will always have an answer to fundamental questions about our faith.

Defense is the second purpose of creeds. Even before the last apostle had died, some in the Church were attempting to redefine the Christian faith. By 325, a young pastor named Arius was causing divisions in the Church by denying the Church’s historic teaching that Jesus was both fully God and fully human. Crafting language we still use today, the authors of the Nicene Creed decisively refuted that false teaching.

The third purpose of creeds is Declaration. Knowing the Nicene Creed helps us fulfill Jesus’ command to be his witnesses. The Creed is a positive, fearless declaration of the essentials of our faith. It is not just for church on Sunday mornings. We can use it to declare our faith in our everyday lives.

Happy Birthday, Nicene Creed. And someone please let me know about the cake. It would give a lot of light.


January 2025 Mills’ Musings – Do You See What I See?

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:1-2)
I’ve been interested in astronomy ever since I was a child. That may in part be an accident of timing: I had just turned six when President Kennedy said America would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. I was a rising 8th-grader when I watched Neil Armstrong make one giant leap for mankind.


Through the years, the intensity of my interest in things beyond our planet has varied.  But it never disappeared. In 1986, I saw Halley’s Comet make its only swing by earth in my lifetime. Earlier this year I went to Indiana to observe a total solar eclipse. (As I wrote in the May newsletter, it was spectacular.) And in 2020, I looked through my son Tim’s telescope to see Jupiter and Saturn appear closer together than they had at any time in the last 800 years. Indeed, they came so close that the naked eye might have mistaken them for a single, new object.
The astronomical term for such unusual proximity is “conjunction.” Conjunctions are not rare. But they are sufficiently uncommon that those who study the night sky tend to take note of them. That’s why some today believe it was a conjunction of planets that the wise men saw and followed to Bethlehem, looking to worship the newborn king of the Jews.
 Their theory does have some scientific support There was a rare triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 7 B.C. This “new star” could have been interpreted as a sign of a royal birth, with Jupiter symbolizing kingship. Less likely astronomical theories sometimes used to explain the celestial phenomenon that led the wise men to Bethlehem include the appearance of a comet and the explosion of a star.
As Scripture regularly reminds us, God is quite capable of using natural phenomena – storms, floods, earthquakes, fire – to reveal his will to his human creation. But the appearance of a previously unknown celestial entity, what many now call the Star of Bethlehem, does not require a naturalistic explanation. The Maker of heaven and earth is certainly capable of putting a new star in the sky, allowing only those he chooses to see it, and then having them let us know what they saw.


For example, think about the army of angels that was initially invisible to Elisha’s servant (II Kings 6:15-17). The servant, constrained by the physics of human vision, thought he and Elisha were hopelessly outnumbered by the army of the King of Aram,. But Elisha had been given the gift of seeing what God saw. And when God answered Elisha’s prayer, the servant saw not only the chariots of fire but also the truth of Elisha’s words, “those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”


Perhaps more so than in years past, it is understandably easy for you and me to look out our windows as this new year begins and see only the forces arrayed against God and those who do his will. Each time we look, their numbers seem to have grown. In such moments, may we be strengthened by the example of the wise men, who saw for a sign then followed it to Jesus. And may we be comforted by the knowledge that, today and always, “those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”



Rev. Bob Mills


December 2024 Pastor’s Corner — Through Time and Space

And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days. — Revelation 12:3-6

There is something in us that loves fantastic stories about the supernatural, “fantasy” in its truest, literary sense.  We love epic tales of good versus evil, of supernatural beings and superhuman people.  Stories that stir our imagination, encouraging us to see the larger, cosmic story unfolding when we look past the merely physical world we live in and interact with on a daily basis.  Whether we call those stories fantasies, myths, science fiction, or something else, we find them speaking to something intrinsic in our experience that knows there is more to this life than the physical world we see and touch.

I am willing to bet that when you go to read the Christmas story with your family, the verses above are not the ones that first come to mind.  When we think of the Christmas story, we usually turn to the opening chapters of Matthew or Luke.  If you’re wanting a more existential version, then John is the gospel for you.  The last thing we think about when we it comes to the Christmas stories are dragons and cosmic battles. The incarnation of God the Son in the form of Jesus Christ is the first miracle of Christmas, a truly fantastic moment when the heavens came to earth, the spiritual took on the physical.  It is the heart of what we celebrate at Christmas.  But even in the midst of this epically mythical occasion, our focus centers on the stuff of earth — a pregnant teenager, a messy barnyard, a baby taking its first breath.  The birth of Jesus Christ is so exceptionally visceral, it’s easy to forget how the incarnation transcends time and space.

In Revelation 12-14, John recounts human history from heaven’s perspective.  It’s a truly cosmic and fantastic story that involves dragons and beasts, angels and people.  It’s so different from the rest of Scripture, its hard to understand, let alone know who is who.  Here’s your cast of characters: The dragon is Satan. The woman is Mary (at least in these verses – the woman changes throughout the chapter from Eve, to Israel, to Mary, to the Church… it’s complicated).  The baby is the easiest one to figure out – he’s Jesus, clearly identified by the reference to Psalm 2:8-9 (“the one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron”).  In the verses above, we have not only the story of Christmas, but Jesus’ entire life and ministry consolidated into one short sentence. Chapter 12 captures all of human history in 17 verses. What’s been eons for us is but the blink of an eye in heaven (2 Peter 3:8). Quite a different version of the story we all know so well.  

We know the incarnation is a wondrous and miraculous event.   Even with that, it’s so easy to miss just how truly wondrous and miraculous it was.  It’s so much more than nativity sets and advent wreaths.  It’s a true story that is so much more and better than anything we’ve ever dreamed or imagined.  The incarnation is a miracle of cosmic degree and impact, breaking through heaven and earth, shattering the boundaries that separate the spiritual from the physical, bringing together the divine and the human in a way that had never happened before, and will never happen again.  Through Jesus Christ, Satan (the dragon) has been barred from heaven (Rev. 12:8) and thwarted at every turn (Rev. 12:13-17) until his ultimate defeat when Christ returns (Rev. 14:1-6).

The Christmas season is one of the most tangible and tactile seasons we celebrate.  It carries with it so many unique sights and sounds, textures, aromas and tastes.  It is very much an imminent celebration.  But Christmas is also a transcendent season extending through time and space.  In the midst of your Christmas celebrations this year, allow time for your imagination to take hold of the cosmic dimensions that are very much a part of the Christmas story.  Jesus has come.  God is with us.  And evil has lost.  Joy to the world, indeed!

The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. — John 1:9-14


Rev. David Garrison


November 2024 Pastor’s Corner — The Father of Delights

 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. — James 1:17

I had a wonderful time while away on study leave last month.  I attended a conference called “Hutchmoot” just outside Nashville.  Hutchmoot was started 15 years ago by Andrew and Pete Peterson.  Andrew describes it this way: “Hutchmoot is a three-day feast where we gather to celebrate the way the Lord makes himself known through his creation. This includes stories, music, and art of all kinds, but it’s also broader than that. He also makes himself known through Scripture, of course, and through nature, and food, and even each other—through the flawed and glorious humans you’ll be rubbing elbows with all weekend.”

Something I’ve noticed about myself is that when life gets hard and stressful, when anxiety and worry threaten to take over, it often seems as if God has stopped moving and working.  Prayers seem to be answered with silence.  The “joy of my salvation” seems like a distant memory.  The world, and my life, seem to be running on autopilot rather than guided by the hands of a loving God.  He no longer seems interested in making Himself known in any fashion, so much so that sometimes during these seasons I find myself wondering if He’s there at all.

One of the sessions I attended was led by Andrew Peterson and called “The Father of Delights.”  Riffing off James 1:17 above (“…the Father of {de}lights…”), Andrew emphasized that God is always moving and working in, through, and around us, whether we are aware of it or not.  He is constantly working to make Himself known to us and others, and seeking to delight us and fill us with wonder.  To delight in God, in His works and His creation, is to glorify God.  C.S. Lewis writes, “The Scotch catechism says that man’s chief end is ‘to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.’ But we shall then know that these are the same thing. Fully to enjoy is to glorify. In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him.”  The question isn’t whether God is or isn’t making himself known and giving us reason to delight in Him, it’s whether we’re paying attention and looking for the delights God is throwing our way.

Every once in a while, God does something stunning that makes us take notice.  Consider the awe we’ve all experienced the last couple of months with the displays of the Aurora Borealis here in central Virginia.  That just doesn’t happen here.  But it did, and it was wondrous and delightful.  You couldn’t look at the sky and not delight in the God that made the colors dance across the heavens.  But there are countless ways God is making Himself known to us every day.  The question is, are we taking the time to look for it?  Delight is something that we cultivate.  If you are looking to be delighted by God, then you will find delight in God.  Cultivating delight requires slowing down, being patient, and paying attention to what is going on around us.  Think about all that is happening every time you take a simple breath.  Muscles flex, lungs expand and contract, air moves in and out, blood flows, oxygen and carbon dioxide trade places, and much more.  Something we do tens of thousands of times a day is a delightful and wonderful act.  An act we take for granted with every breath.  Delighting in God takes intentionality and needs to be cultivated.

As we cultivate our delight in God, we learn to see all the different ways we are invited to delight in God.  Delight teaches us to see delight.  Have you ever noticed how many yellow cars there are?  Probably not, but now you’re going to start seeing yellow cars everywhere.  We find that for which we are looking.  As we cultivate an awareness of the myriad delightful ways God is moving and working, we will start seeing even more ways to delight in Him.  When you find or discover something delightful, take the time to savor and delight in it, and tell God about your delight.  When we express our delights, it delights the Giver of delight.  Think about the times you’ve done something special for your children or your spouse, and they delighted in it.  Their delight delights us, and it’s the same with our Father in Heaven.

In addition to giving thanks to the Father of Delights, share your delight with someone else.  Delight shared is delight enhanced and magnified.  So often, it’s easy for me to miss all the delightful things God is doing in my life.  When you delight in God and share that with me, it helps me to cultivate delight myself and encourages me to look around for all the delightful ways God is at work.  In a world that is so filled with anger and rage, stress and worry, fear and anxiety, cultivating delight in God and sharing those delights with others shines as bright as a candle unexpectedly lit in the deep darkness of night.

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” — Matthew 6:28-30


Rev. David Garrison


October 2024 Pastor’s Corner — Falling Like A Seed

 “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.” — John 12:23-26 ESV

As I’ve been contemplating and praying through this passage recently, something particular stood out to me.  This teaching from Jesus is given on Palm Sunday, shortly after the Triumphant Entry.  Having seen the festive procession as Jesus entered Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, some Greeks “came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, ‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus.’ Philip went and told Andrew; Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.” (John 12:21-22 ESV)  The passage above is Jesus’ response to their request.  If you pause for just a moment and think about it, it’s a really, really weird answer.   They ask to see Jesus, and Jesus says, “Unless a seed die, it can not bear much fruit.”  Ok.  Right.  Good to know.  But can you have a chat with these folks or not?

The entirety of his answer comes in John 12:23-36, with verse 32 explaining and expanding verse 24:  24Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit… 32And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.  What was surely confusing to the disciples and the Greeks who wanted to see Jesus is crystal clear to us:  In order for the Greeks, or anyone actually, to see see Jesus truly, He first needed to die and rise from the dead.  Through the death of the one seed, Jesus Christ, the fruit of the Gospel exploded throughout the world.

There’s a lot to unpack in these short verses, and maybe we’ll do that over the next few months, but for now, consider this.  Autumn, for all of its beauty, is a season of dying.  The leaves change color because they’ve stopped producing chlorophyll; they’ve started to die.  The seeds the trees have been growing all year long fall to the ground.  The crops have finished their season of growth and are starting to ripen.  The harvest is being gathered in.  And yet none of that is an end.  All of that is used to begin the process of new life and growth.  That new life and growth won’t be evident until months of gestation have passed, but life, and life abundant, will burst forth.  Watching the leaves fall it seems like the promise of that new life is an eternity away, but once spring comes ‘round it will be as if a mere moment has passed.

God created the natural world to work the way it does because it illustrates His truth (Psalm 19:1-4).  In God’s great redemptive work, nothing is wasted.  Even death, that which seems like the ultimate and permanent ending, becomes the seed and soil that nurtures exponentially more life.  There is great comfort in knowing that when we die there will be a double blessing: We will be blessed by rising to eternal life with Jesus (1 Cor. 15:52-54) and the Kingdom of God will be blessed as God takes our dying and uses it to glorify Himself and bring forth abundant new life (John 12:27-28). 

The future is always scary, because from our finite perspective it’s so uncertain.  But it isn’t, really.  God is not just God of the past and present, He is God of the future as well.  What seems uncertain and constantly changing for us is sure and certain for God.  It is because God holds the future in His hands that we can know with absolute certainty nothing that happens will go to waste, not even death.  Leaves die and fall and decompose to provide the nutrients that the seeds that fell need in order to give life to much new fruit.  What is true in nature is true in us.  And what is true in us is true in the Church as well.

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. — Rom. 8:22-25 ESV


Rev. David Garrison


September 2024 Pastor’s Corner — Did He Really Mean That?

 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 5:17-20 ESV

Arguably the greatest sermon of all time is also the most famous, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, recorded in Matthew 5-7.  It is an incredible message that outlines the nature and character of the Kingdom of God, and just how different it is from the powers and kingdoms of the world.  It is a fairly straightforward and simple message, but it has generated enormous controversy in terms of how to interpret and apply it.

There are those who believe that the Sermon on the Mount is meant to show just how impossible it is for a person to live up to the standards of God’s Law.  As Jesus says in Matthew 5:20, “For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  Perfect perfection is what it takes to make it into heaven, and the only perfectly perfect person was Jesus Christ.  Our salvation is by faith in him alone, not through our works, and just in case you think you can work your way into heaven, Jesus makes it clear in this sermon that we never can.  It’s not just the act of murder that’s wrong, it’s even calling someone an idiot.  It’s not enough to love your neighbor, you have to love your enemy also.  According to this view, the purpose of the sermon is to illustrate our depravity and need for a Savior.

Others see Jesus describing the ideal nature of the Kingdom of Heaven.  It’s a Utopian vision of what could be and what will be when Jesus returns and consummates the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  It’s certainly not the way the world works right now, but it’s what we can aspire and hope to experience one day.  After all, “For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matt. 7:14 ESV)  According to this view, the sermon was meant to inspire us to look forward to the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven… eventually.

But what if Jesus meant what he said?  Not some of it, but all of it?  Not eventually, but right now?  Not to say what we have to do to earn our salvation, but to show how to live because of our salvation?  What if, because of the salvation made possible by and given to us through Jesus Christ, we set aside anger and lust, forgiving others as we’ve been forgiven, loving our enemies as much as our neighbors, followed Jesus sincerely instead of ostentatiously, trusted in the provision of the Lord instead of what we gain by our own hands?  What if we followed the narrow path into depths of living of which we can only dream, the path along which Jesus invites us to follow him?

After all, the key to “unlocking” the Sermon on the Mount is found in Matthew 7:24: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The solid rock that secures our faith isn’t just believing in Jesus, it comes in doing what he said, and what he said was the message of the Sermon on the Mount.  If we truly want to change the world, it starts by taking Jesus seriously and doing what he said.

Join us this fall as we walk through the Sermon on the Mount and follow Jesus along the narrow path that leads to more and better life than we’ve ever dreamed of.  

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” —Matt. 7:24-27 ESV


Rev. David Garrison


May 2024 Pastor’s Corner — The Unexpected

Blessed is the man… 

whose delight is in the law of the LORD, 

and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree 

planted by streams of water 

that yields its fruit in its season, 

and its leaf does not wither. 

In all that he does, he prospers.

— Psalm 1:1-4

This is Fred the Tree.  Fred is growing in the most unexpected and unlikely of places — right in the middle of the historic Old Seven Mile Bridge in Key West.  Against all odds (and all the odds are against it), Fred not only sprouted but has thrived in a most inhospitable location.  Fred provides a beautiful example of how, when we trust in the Lord, our faith can grow and flourish in the most unexpected places and ways.

Trusting in the Lord, and growing ever deeper in that trust, is everything that is meant by “faith,” particularly faith in Jesus Christ.  In Galatians 5:6, Paul summarizes everything he believes about the Gospel when he writes, “For in Christ, neither our most conscientious religion nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. What matters is something far more interior: faith [trust] expressed in love.” (Gal. 5:6 MESSAGE)  But “trusting in God” is a somewhat strange and abstract concept.  It’s very easy to say we “Trust in the LORD with all our heart, and do not lean on our own understanding” (Prov. 3:5 ESV), but how do we know if we actually are trusting in the Lord as much as we think we are?

As March drew to a close, I came down with an unexpected stomach illness.  The next day, we made an unexpected visit to the ER, which resulted in an unexpected hospital stay that included unexpected surgery to address a congenital issue that I learned about, unexpectedly, four years ago.  When I fell ill, even when I was admitted to the hospital and learned I was going to have surgery, I never imagined I would end up being out of the pulpit for 4 weeks and facing a recovery process that will end up being a total of 6 weeks or more.  Every step of the process, as my circumstances continued to become more concerning and severe than I first thought, could have been fraught with anxiety and worry.  I’m not saying I didn’t have my moments, but in general (and other than feeling terribly sick), I felt a deep sense of peace and calm through it all.  I knew, without a doubt, that everything was going to be fine, no matter what happened.

I have had, and continue to have, seasons of wrestling with the Lord.  There have been many times when I have argued with God and struggled to understand the whats and the whys of what He has allowed me to go through, and sometimes things He has purposefully brought my way.  I don’t like a lot of those things, and in many respects I still wish going through those seasons wasn’t necessary.  And yet, in each and every case, the Lord has proved himself trustworthy and true.  Through it all, even though I still don’t understand most of it, I have learned to trust Him a little bit more than I did before.  It is because of those times that when this very unexpected, and frankly quite severe, situation occurred, I found that I wasn’t worried or afraid.  The Lord had proven himself faithful in the big things and the small in the past, how could I expect anything other this time around?

It is in the unexpected moments and circumstances of life that we both learn to trust Him more and find out how much we already trust in Him.  The “soil” that allows our faith to grow and mature is trusting in the Lord and His Word.  When we trust in Him and learn to trust Him more each day, our faith is able to grow and even thrive in the midst of the most unexpected or even hostile circumstances.  Place your trust in the Lord today, and continue to do so each and every day, so that when the times of trial and struggle, when the unexpected comes along, you will be able to hold fast and stand firm, to face whatever may come with peace and assurance, knowing in your heart of hearts that the Lord will once again be faithful and true.

Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” (Matt. 7:24-25)


Rev. David Garrison


March 2024 Pastor’s Corner — This Changes Everything

 For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. — 1 Corinthians 15:16-17

There are a lot of doctrines that are crucial to our Christian faith.  In the EPC, we have a list of them known as “The Essentials of Our Faith.”  Those essentials include what we believe about the Trinity — God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), God the Holy Spirit; the problem of our sin and our salvation in Christ; the church; the return of Christ; and the purpose and mission of every Christian.  All of those are important doctrines and in many respects define the boundaries of orthodox Christianity. It’s not so much that believing these things make you a Presbyterian, but that Christians throughout the centuries have held these doctrines as essential.  But in the paragraph about Jesus Christ is a statement that is, in many respects, more important than any other:

“[Jesus Christ] died on the cross a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. On the third day He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, where, at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He now is our High Priest and Mediator.”

That’s it.  That’s the entire house of cards.  Everything we believe as Christians rises and falls on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  As Paul wrote in the passage quoted above, if Christ was not raised from the dead, everything else we believe is meaningless.  Conversely, in order to understand why and how Christ was raised from the dead, it’s necessary to believe most everything included in the Essentials of Our Faith.  As Thomas Oden writes,

No aspect of Jesus’ ministry was more minutely recorded than his resurrection. Due to the pivotal importance of his resurrection, the evidence for it appears to have been assiduously collected, transmitted, and embedded in the essential proclamation of salvation attested by the earliest Christian communities. The Gospel narratives seem to be saying to us that if we cannot credit the last validating episode of his life, we are not likely to grasp anything else said about him. (The Word of Life, pg 495)

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything.  It is the confirmation that everything the Old Testament said about Jesus is true; that everything Jesus said about himself is true.  It is the means of our sanctification, the way our sins are atoned for, the reason we are freed from the shackles of our sins.  It is the promise of our redeemed and restored souls, the hope of our eternal salvation, the guarantee of our future life with Christ.  It is the way God chose to restore all of broken creation to what He intended from the very beginning.  And it is completely unprecedented in human history, so much so that it is “a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles” (1 Cor. 1:23).

We’ve heard the “old, old story” so many times that we can forget how radical, revolutionary and profound it really is.  That’s why we have the season of Lent in the church calendar.  The early church fathers recognized how important it is for believers to spend a significant period of time reflecting on what Jesus accomplished on Easter Sunday. During this season, I invite you to make a habit of reading 1 Corinthians 15 as part of your daily Scripture reading and prayer time.  Spend time meditating on and contemplating the wonder of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.   Allow the depths of the love of God made manifest through His Son Jesus Christ settle deeply in your heart, and share that message of hope and life with those around you.  That’s what we have to offer: because He lives, so we live.  That changes everything.

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.  — 1 Corinthians 15:20-22


Rev. David Garrison


February 2024 Pastor’s Corner — A Slow But Steady Process

 “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” — Isaiah 1:18

Being the snow lover that I am, I delighted in our most recent winter storm.  While far from the largest snow, it was the most we’ve received in a couple of years and more than enough to blanket everything in a beautiful coating of white.  It was a slow process that took most of the day, so slow you almost couldn’t see it happening.  But surely enough, as the hours ticked by, the world was transformed into a beautiful winter wonderland.

As I watched the snow falling and the slow transformation of everything, I thought of the passage from Isaiah quoted above.  No matter how deep our sins, God’s grace will cover them like snow.  Isaiah uses the color red for sin because “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” (Heb 9:22).  The more crimson the color, the worse the sin.  And yet, no matter how crimson our sins might be, they’ve all been paid for, atoned for, by the shed blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Our souls are made as pure white as a fresh snowfall.

But we aren’t finished with our sin, are we? Even though our forgiveness and salvation are assured, as long as we’re on this side of Glory, we continue to wrestle with our sinful nature.  As Martin Luther famously said, “We are at once justified and sinful.”  Our journey with Jesus is a journey of becoming ever more sanctified (which means holy, or more like Jesus) and ever less sinful.  Sometimes we make great strides toward holiness, sometimes we slide back into our sins.  It’s a process, a journey, and it takes time.  Kind of like how it takes time for the world to turn white while the snow falls.

When the snow first started, the ground was still fairly warm.  Most of the snow melted immediately.  In fact, a lot of the snow melted before the ground cooled enough for the snow to begin to stick.  The tree branches were the first to collect the snow, but roads took a lot longer, and even when the snow began to stick, the roads first turned to a mushy grey.  Puddles in the yard where the already melted snow collected held out for as long as they could, but even they eventually froze and were covered over with snow.  Yet the snow was persistent and relentless, persevering until all was remade under a beautiful white blanket.

It is the Holy Spirit that is restoring our souls, one day at a time, moment by moment.  Just like the snowfall, the Holy Spirit is persistent and relentless with you.  Often, you might not notice that anything is changing at all.  But over time, as we continue to walk with the Lord in faithfulness and pursue Him in all things, we’ll begin to notice that we aren’t who we used to be, that our soul is gradually becoming more and more pure and white.  Set your mind and your heart on the things of God, and freely confess your sins — old, new, even the repeats —so He can “purge you with hyssop” so you can “hear joy and gladness” in your soul. 

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have broken rejoice. — Psalm 51:7-8


Rev. David Garrison


December 2023 Pastor’s Corner — A Season of Promise

“Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it will be called: ‘The LORD is our righteousness.’” — Jeremiah 33:14-16

Advent is one of the most popular seasons in the church calendar, it’s certainly one of mine.  Of course, culturally its popular because it means Christmas is coming and most of us look at Advent as a time to prepare for the celebration of that holiday.  But there is a depth and richness to Advent, an irony even, that runs much deeper than merely getting ready for Christmas.  “Advent” is a Latin word that means “coming” or “arrival.”  Yes, it is a season of preparing to celebrate Christ’s first coming 2,000 years ago, but even more it is a season of preparation for Christ’s return.  This dual focus makes Advent a season of promise — promise fulfilled and promise yet to come.

As foretold in Jeremiah (and Isaiah and the other prophets), the incarnation of Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of God’s promises to redeem His people from sin and exile and restore His Kingdom on earth in a fuller and more beautiful way than ever before.  As the New Testament makes clear, every one of God’s promises about the Messiah were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.  Every single one.  We can spend our entire lives contemplating the wonder of God’s promises fulfilled in the incarnation of Christ and find there’s always more depths to explore, which is why Advent is necessary to help us prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior.  

What no one expected, though, was that the birth, life, and death of Jesus Christ was just the beginning, the inauguration, of that work.  The completion and consummation of that work is yet to come, which is why we use this season to prepare for the glorious return of our Savior.  As certainly as He came the first time, He will surely come again.  The guarantee of His return is that He has already come, let alone how many times He said He would return (Matthew 16:27; Luke 12:40; John 14:3; Acts 1:11; Revelation 22:20, to list just a few).  A full and complete celebration of Advent and Christmas not only looks back, but also looks ahead, anticipating the joyous return of our Savior and the consummation of the Kingdom of God.

Advent is the season that shines brightly the hope, love, joy and peace of Jesus Christ in the darkness of this world.  The irony of Advent is this: as cold of winter sets in and the leaves fall and flowers die, as the dark of winter grows longer each day, Advent reminds us that death has been defeated (1 Corinthians 15: 54-57) and the Light of Jesus Christ continues to shine forth and can not be overcome (John 1:1-14).  God will be faithful, and the promise of this season will bear fruit.  So this Advent, hold fast your hope.  Love, because He first loved us.  Rejoice in your salvation now and your salvation yet to come.  Rest, knowing that God has brought you peace, even in the midst of your enemies.

Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. — Hebrews 10:22-25


Rev. David Garrison