Every Sunday, beginning September 9
Youth Group returns on Sunday, September 9 at 6 PM! We hope you’ll plan to join us each week for fun games and opportunities to understand who Jesus is and who He is inviting you to become. All students in 6th-12th grade are welcome.
Our fall series is Inked.
Like a tattoo, our lives show we’ve been marked.
People get tattoos for a lot of different reasons, but in almost every case, it’s because they want to make a statement. To physically and permanently show others something about themselves, or what they believe, or what’s important to them. And the thing about tattoos? They’re pretty much forever. You can’t easily get rid of that statement, that mark.
The Christian life is a lot like a tattoo. When we place our trust in Christ, our lives are changed, transformed, marked. Permanently. And how we live our lives, the decisions and choices we make every day, speak as loudly as a tattoo. What does your life tell others?
Each Sunday @ Youth Group we’ll be exploring just what a life marked for Christ looks like. What are the characteristics and attributes that show a life that lives and shows “trust in Christ, expressed in love” (Gal. 5:6)? How do we live this out in our daily lives?
Join us each week as we explore those questions and more!
Want to learn more about the Youth Ministry at Northminster? Click here!