Advent Sermon Series
Each year, we look forward to Advent and Christmas because these seasons hold so much promise. For most of us, it’s a time to celebrate God’s promises fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ. But the season of Advent is even more about the promises that are yet to be fulfilled when Christ returns, which means the Promises of Christmas are much deeper and richer than we often realize. Join us as we explore the Promises of Christmas together this Advent.
If you’ve missed any of the series, you can find past sermons here.

Hanging of the Greens – Saturday, December 2, 9AM-Noon
It’s that exciting time of year when we dress up our homes for Christmas. And, we also delight in being able to dress up God’s house, too. We would love for you to join us Saturday, November 30, from 9am – noon (or whenever during that time you are available), as we put up beautiful trees, candles, wreaths, banners, and more! Hope to see you there.

First Sunday in Advent – Sunday, December 3, 10:30 AM
We kick off the season of Advent with a wonderful worship service in which we light the first candle of the advent wreath and celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

Second Sunday in Advent – Sunday, December 10, 10:30AM
Join us for worship on the Second Sunday in Advent as we light the 2nd candle of the advent wreath.
Please note that this is the last Sunday to order poinsettias and to donate items for the Christmas Cheer Baskets.

Christmas Cheer Box Packing – Friday, December 15, 9 AM
For the past several months, we’ve been collecting items for the Christmas Cheer Boxes, and on Friday, December 16 we’ll join our partner churches to pack those boxes! We’ll meet at Amelon United Methodist Church at 9am. The Christmas Cheer Boxes will be delivered on Saturday the 18th. Help us spread some Christmas cheer this season!

Third Sunday in Advent – Sunday, December 17, 10:30AM
The Northminster Christmas Extravaganza kicks off with the Third Sunday in Advent worship service, during which celebrate with the lighting of the 3rd candle of the Advent wreath.
After worship, join us for a Birthday Celebration for Jesus. Wear your best (ugly) Christmas sweater and bring your favorite holiday finger food for all to enjoy!

Christmas Caroling – Sunday, December 17, 1:00-3:30PM
The Extravaganza continues with our annual tradition of going caroling in our neighborhoods and visiting our homebound members. This is a great opportunity for folks of all ages to come together as we spread some Christmas cheer!

Youth Group Christmas Party – Sunday, December 17, 6:30-8:00PM
After caroling, all 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us at the Garrisons’ Home for the Youth Group Christmas Party! More information about this coming later this month.

Fourth Sunday in Advent – Sunday, December 24, 10:30 AM
For the fourth Sunday in Advent, we will celebrate with the lighting of the 4th candle of the Advent wreath.

Christmas Eve Service – Sunday, December 24, 7:00PM
On Christmas Eve, we invite you to join us for a family-friendly candlelight service celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This service of song, carol and Scripture provides a wonderful opportunity to get a sense of how eager the Hebrews were for the coming of the Messiah so long ago, and reminds us how eager we are for his return. We look forward to seeing you there!