Where Can I Serve in our community?
We support many local service and missions organizations through our donations and our time. See below for a list of some of these organizations to learn more.
Gleaning for the World is a humanitarian organization which addresses critical needs of people suffering during natural disasters and extreme poverty. They connect American surplus which is perfectly usable but fails corporate, medical and industrial quality control. Corporations donate their leftover supplies to Gleaning and they provide them to hurting families at home and around the world. Join us on the third Thursday of each month as we head down to their warehouse and help organize the donations for distribution.
Here’s an example of the work we do when we go to Gleaning for the World:
Roads to Recovery is a recovery community organization; an independent, nonprofit corporation led by people in and supportive of recovery. Our mission is to assist other people to find and sustain recovery. Our goal is to develop and mobilize resources to increase the prevalence and quality of long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction. We focus on building services and supports to fill gaps in the system of care.
Helping Hands
Funded by many of the churches in Amherst County, this ministry is administered through
Madison Heights Baptist Church. It is designed to help citizens of Amherst County who need an occasional helping hand with necessities such as food, electric bills, rent, and water or phone bills (when children or medical needs are present). Donations are always appreciated.
The Food Bank provides food for Amherst County families in need. These familes will be able to return to the food bank once every 6 months for food. You will have to provide a photo id, a working phone number, to receive the food. They will only fill orders for one family from a single address. Orders from multiple callers from the same address will not be filled.
NHN was established in the fall of 2015 and began serving meals in May 2016. Some other goals of NHN:Mobile Food Kitchen to reach the rural areas of the county; Selective Food Warehouse, providing our “guests” the opportunity to Shop for their groceries; and Resource Information Hub to connect those in need to other support organizations.
NHN has already partnered with several businesses, churches, and organizations to make the realty of a food kitchen in Amherst County come true. NHN is expecting to receive over 90% of its funding from the community and will only exist based on concern each individual has for his or her neighbor. NHN’s existence will truly come from Neighbors Helping Neighbors. The more volunteers and donations the more we can serve!
Amherst County Habitat for Humanity seeks to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. In addition to supporting Habitat for Humanity financially, we also participate in build projects on an occasional basis.